With the following procedures, new company registration andre-registration can be applied:
Step-1: Start with web: www.myco.dica.gov.mm
(the web will be launched on 1st August 2018, at 9:00am)
Step-2: Create a MyCO ID account with your information
Step-3: After creating an account, LOGIN with your MyCO ID
Step-4: In the system, for the new company registration select the respective prescribed form and re-registration of company select the company name, fill the form with company’s information, and then submit the application.
Step-5: The system will reply to your email when the process has been done. It is available to search in HOME page >COMPANY SEARCH with the company name or the registration number.
For more detail information, we would to invite you to visit our web: www.dica.gov.mm.
Directorate of Investment and Company Administration