Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
There are three main types of companies which can be registered under the Myanmar Companies Law of 2017.They are
The company registration fee is 300,000 Kyats for all types of private companies and 2,500,000 Kyats for public companies.
The company incorporating certificate will be issued after payment of the registration fees to DICA.
There is no minimum capital requirement when registering a company in Myanmar. Minimum requirement for banking, Insurance and securities companies should refer to the Central Bank of Myanmar, and Ministry of Planning and Finance.
According to Myanmar Companies Law, there is no restrictions regarding the share proportion for joint ventures between Myanmar Citizens and foreigners.
In a private company, the transfer of shares is restricted, and the number of shareholders may range from a minimum of one to maximum of fifty. Public limited –liability companies must have a minimum of one to maximum of unlimited shareholders.
Unless further licenses are required from other relevant ministries and/or departments, private companies may being operations immediately after they have received their company incorporation certificate.
Public companies must apply for a Certificate for Commencement of Business instead of prospectus before they can being operations. After getting a Certificate for Commencement of Business, they can start the operation and after submitting the prospectus, they can invite the public share equities.
Company registration certificate has no validity.
According to the Myanmar Investment Rule 22 and notification No.15/2017 (c) the ratio must be 80% for the foreign and 20% for citizens.
Remark. The proposal for manufacturing of electric vehicles using a Semi-Knocked Down (SKD) system must first be submitted to Steering Committee on National-Level Development for Electric Vehicles and Related Industries. Only upon receiving this committee’s approval can the subsequent steps be undertaken to secure the required commission authorization.
For the purpose of supporting the development of the Union by allowing investment in sectors which need to be developed, and for the proportionate development of Regions and States, tax exemptions or reliefs can be granted to investors on a case-by-case basis. These can take the form of exemptions and reliefs from income tax, customs duty or internal taxes and the right to depreciation for the purpose of income tax assessment. Details on exemptions and reliefs applicable to investors are stipulated in sections 74, 75, 76,77 and 78 of the Myanmar Investment Law.
According to Myanmar Investment Rule 238, investors do not need to submit the proposal or endorsement application to the commission in case where Myanmar Citizen Investment is changed into foreign investment. Investors need to submit the amount of total investment, share ratios and machinery list (imported) for changing of investment form.
An investor who obtains a Permit or an Endorsement under the MIL can get a long term land lease from private owners for private owned land/building or from the relevant government organizations for the state-owned land/buildings. The initial leasing period is up to 50 years and it can be extended twice for 10 years respectively (a total of 20 years). Therefore, to get the right to use land, it is required that the investor undergo either the MIC Permit process or endorsement application process.
According to Notification No.15/2017, all type of investments in agriculture are allowed 100 % foreign owned except cultivation of crops in agriculture land, distribution them to the local market and export.
For the joint venture investment in crops in agriculture land, distribution them to the local market and export, Myanmar citizen investor must contribute 20% minimum direct shareholding or equity.
It is allowed to export 100% of crops produced by JV investment.
It is allowed. In fact, the Joint Venture Company needs to mention clearly the plan of sale in detail for export of industrial crops as raw materials when they submit the proposal.
Land issue is the important factor for investment in agriculture sector, so the investor needs to do following things-
Wood based industry can be applied with 100% foreign investment. According to the Notifications No-86/2017, wood-based industry which uses raw materials from natural forest are being suspended.
For wood-based Industry, the following documents need to be submitted together with the application form;
Raw materials that cannot be obtained from local can be imported.
In addition to the related documents attached with the proposal, the following documents must be submitted in applying for the permit/ endorsement for food manufacturing-
The investments included in the Notification. No. (15/2017) shall be formed a joint venture, with at least 20 % of the investment made by the local partner. Those investments which are not mentioned in the above notification can be carried out without restraints on the ownership ratio in forming JV.
In order to supply raw materials to the business of diary production, a foreign investor may make a further investment in cattle farming.
Manufacturing of alcoholic beverages is allowed. But it is necessary to submit a letter that investor wants to invest in this kind of business.
According to the Notification No.15/2017, an investor can apply for MIC permit/endorsement for the manufacturing of alcoholic beverages, however, prior enquires to the ministries and departments in concern should be made as it is necessary to obtain the approval and comments from those organizations.
Manufacturing of alcoholic beverages could be carried out only in the form of JV, with at least 20 % of the investment made by the local partner.
According to the Notification No.51/2014, there is neither customs duty nor commercial tax exemption.
Production of canned food can only be carried out in the form of JV.
In addition to the related documents attached with the proposal, Waste Water Treatment plan must also be needed.
According to the Notification No. 15/2017, livestock business can be carried out the in the form of joint venture with any Myanmar citizen or wholly foreign owned investment, with the approval of the relevant Ministry.
Normal System is preserving and selling local and foreign as raw by catching in local and importing of fish and prawns.
Contract Processing System is a business activity of preserving fish and prawns as raw materials provided by contractor.
The Proposal should be included the following things;
Investment Division (3) is responsible for the following sectors:
Generally, all sector are described in the classification of promoted sector according to Myanmar Investment commission’s notification no, 13/2017.
For real estate sector, only building and leasing of the affordable housing project will be included in promoted sector.
If the investors apply for such exemption and reliefs Commission scrutinize and may grant in accordance with section 75, 77, 78 of Myanmar Investment Law.
There are three types for designation of developed zone as follow:
Less developed regions : In Zone (1) for a period of 7 consecutive years including the year of commencement of commercial operation
Moderate developed regions : In Zone (2) for a period of 5 consecutive years including the year of commencement of commercial operation
Developed regions: In Zone (3) for a period of 3 con34) How many days will be taken to issue the permit? seclusive years including the year of commencement of commercial operation
The investor shall submit a proposal to the Commission for the following business stipulate in the rules section 36:
Investment business except investment business stipulated under section 36 will be undertaken the endorsement application process.
The Commission will screen it within 60 days from the date of acceptance and, if it approves, it will issue the Permit within 10 Working Days.
The Commission will screen it within 30 days from the date of acceptance and, if it approves, it will issue the Endorsement within 10 Working Days.
The type of business described in notification no. 15/2017 (d) of Myanmar Investment Commission and the type of businesses that the governmental department or governmental organization holds a significant ownership interest in the investor will be submitted to Commission through relevant government organizations.
Wholly Foreign Investment can carry out the investment activities which not included in the list to form of a joint venture with any citizen owned entity or any Myanmar citizen according to notificationno.15/2017(c) of Myanmar Investment Commission.
A foreign investor shall contribute 80 % direct shareholding or interest in the joint venture business described in notification no.15/2017 (c) of Myanmar Investment Commission.
The investor can appoint any citizens who are a qualified person as senior manager, technical and operational expert in accordance with the law and shall appoint only citizens for works which does not require skill.
The investors can do business as a wholly foreign owned along with the Power Purchase Agreement – PPA (draft) and the recommendations of the Attorney General Office and the proposals shall be submitted through the Ministry of Electricity and Energy.
Power generation businesses can get the exemptions and reliefs.
The proposal shall be submitted through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. The detailed forms and documents to be attached can be downloaded at www.dica.gov.mm.
No.The proposal does not need to be submitted through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation for the related services.
The refine metal can be made by the foreign investors.
No. the foreign investors cannot be made prospecting, exploration and production of jade/gem stones.
No. Investors cannot get the exemptions and reliefs from production of mineral.
The proposal application form is needed to be applied under section 36 of Myanmar Investment Law.
The proposal shall be submitted through the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. The detailed forms and documents to be attached can be downloaded at www.dica.gov.mm.
Since the pearl culturing and production is included in the list of promoted sectors, the income tax can be exempted.
Yes, Investment can invest for as a foreign owned company. It needs recommendations of Ministry of Education.
Yes. Foreigners can invest as a foreign owned company. And it needs the recommendations of Ministry of Commerce.
This kind of business can be invested by foreign investors excluding the total floor area less than up to 10,000 square feet or 929 square meters.
Currently, only investment for warehouse can do as a foreign owned company. Bonded warehouse investment cannot be granted.
It can be done. This will need to be done in accordance with the opinion of the Ministry of Information.
They need to abide by the Ministry of Transport and Communication’s recommendations.
Yes. Foreigners can invest for publishing of periodicals in English along with the recommendation of Ministry of Information.
Yes. Foreigners can invest for publishing of periodicals in English along with the recommendation of Ministry of Information.
Joint Venture
Yes. Foreigners can invest for local tour services only in the form of a joint venture.
Investment for railway transportation services can do as a foreign owned company with the approval of Ministry of Transport and Communication.
If investors want to increase the foreign experts, after completing the process of re-filling the investment information to the Myanmar Investment Commission through the online system via ims.dica.gov.mm in the Investment Monitoring System Phase (2), select the increase of foreign experts’ form (BO17) and attach with the following documents;
(a) Application form for increasing the number of proposal employees (Online Form)
(b) Board of Directors’ resolution (Original)
(c) Power of Attorney (if investors cannot come to office)
(d) Comparison Table of Proposal, Increase and appointed List (Local/ Foreign)
(e) Copy of updated quarterly performance report (Form-10)
(f) Business increase or not
(g) Whether the previous employee increase or not
(h) Whether the capital increase or not
If the investor is to appointment of expatriate according to Section 51 Subsection (a) and Rule 206 of the Myanmar Investment Law, after completing the process of re-filling the investment information to the Myanmar Investment Commission through the online system via ims.dica.gov.mm in the Investment Monitoring System Phase (2), select the appointment of expatriate form (BO16) and attach with the following documents;
(a) Application form for foreign experts (Online Form)
(b) Form (12-A) (application form for the work permit)
(c) Invoice for the service fee MMK 5000 for the appointment of each foreigner
(d) Copy of Passport
(e) Professional qualification diploma or degree certificate
(f) Curriculum Vitae (CV) showing complete information such as educational qualifications, skills, current address (Myanmar), permanent address (abroad), contact phone number, etc., of the foreign expert
(g) Number of proposed employees (local, foreign)
(h) Number of existing employees (local, foreign) (To describe the positions and total number of local employees with management level, expert level, normal level, etc., to describe the appointed foreign experts including with name, passport number, nationality and approval letters of MIC)
(i) Labor Contract or Employment Contract
(j) Evidence of tax clearance for the company’s nearest fiscal year, financial report, evidence of advance income tax payment
(k) For a foreign expert applying for the work permit, the company director must submit the recommendation for the foreign expert, including the points such as not being a blacklist person, not involving in political activities, being free of criminal charges and respecting the existing laws of Myanmar, and the companies should also obtain the commitment of the foreign expert
(l) Power of Attorney, including name, national registration certificate (NRC) number and phone number (if investors cannot come to office)
(m) The request for the appointment of foreign experts must be submitted within 30 days after the date of arrival of such foreign experts
(n) Copy of latest quarterly performance report of the company (Form-10)
MIC may allow six months.
If investors want to import machinery, Instruments, machinery components, spare parts of materials used in the business with tax exemption, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents;
If investors want to import machinery, Instruments, machinery components, spare parts of materials used in the business, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents;
Yes. Foreigners can invest for publishing of periodicals in English along with the recommendation of Ministry of Information.
If investors want to increase the investment amount of the business, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents: Required documents for attachment
If investors want to expand the location of the business, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents: Required documents for attachment
If investors want to reinvest of profits, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents: Required documents for attachment
If investors want to submit commencement date of business operation , they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents:
Yes. Foreigners can invest for publishing of periodicals in English along with the recommendation of Ministry of Information.
If investors want to an extension of the construction period, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents: Required documents for attachment
If investors want to a renewal of the construction period, they need to address to the chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission attached with the following documents: Required documents for attachment