NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications OPPORTUNITIES FOR INVOLVING IN MYANMAR INVESTMENT DIRECTORY With the aim to support investment in Myanmar, Myanmar Investment Directory will be published in collaboration with Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and Deutsche Gesellschaftfuer International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). If you are interested in listing your business data and…November 13, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications MYCO NEW FORMS RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT The MyCO registry is accepting the following forms online from 2 November 2018: Company extracts and historical company extracts of companies registered on the MyCO registry are available for purchase on MyCO from 5 November 2018.November 7, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications ACTUAL AMOUNT OF FDI FOR 2018 (APRIL TO SEPTEMBER) As of 30th September, 2018, the actual amount of Foreign Direct Investment for 2018 (April to September) is U.S $ 2.145 billion and the amount approved by Myanmar Investment Commission is U. S $ 1.765 billion.November 1, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications INVITATION TO AYEYAWADY REGION INVESTMENT FAIR With the aim to promote investment in Ayeyawady Region, Ayeyawady Region Investment Fair will be held on 30th November 2018 at Yamonnar Oo Hotel, Ngwe Saung Beach in Ayeyarwady Region which is jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and…October 29, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications INVITATION TO MANDALAY BUSINESS FORUM With the aim to promote trade and investment activities in Mandalay Region more effectively, Mandalay Business Forum will be held on 9th November, 2018 in Mandalay Convention Center, Mandalay. The Forum is proudly organized by the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC),…October 22, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications AYEYARWADY REGION INVESTMENT FAIR WILL BE HELD AT NGWE SAUNG BEACH Ayeyarwady Region Investment Fair Flyer is available here! The Fair will be held on 30th November 2018 at Yamonnar Oo Hotel, Ngwe Saung Beach in Ayeyarwady Region. You are warmly invited to come and see the investment opportunities in Ayeyarwady…October 5, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications MANDALAY BUSINESS FORUM 2018 WILL BE HELD IN MANDALAY Mandalay Business Forum 2018 Flyer is available here! The Forum will be held on 9th November 2018 at Mandalay Convention Centre in Mandalay. You are warmly invited to come and see the business opportunities in Mandalay Region. Registrations are open…October 5, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications MANDALAY BUSINESS FORUM 2018 WILL BE HELD IN MANDALAY Mandalay Business Forum 2018 Flyer is available here! The Forum will be held on 9th November 2018 at Mandalay Convention Centre in Mandalay. You are warmly invited to come and see the business opportunities in Mandalay Region. Registrations are open…October 5, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications AYEYARWADY REGION INVESTMENT FAIR WILL BE HELD AT NGWE SAUNG BEACH Ayeyarwady Region Investment Fair Flyer is available here! The Fair will be held on 30th November 2018 at Yamonnar Oo Hotel, Ngwe Saung Beach in Ayeyarwady Region. You are warmly invited to come and see the investment opportunities in Ayeyarwady…October 5, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications NEW FORMS IN MYCO SYSTEM The MyCO registry will be accepting the following forms online from 26 September 2018: The MyCO registry will also be accepting;September 25, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications NOTIFICATION ON USE OF THE MYANMAR COMPANIES ONLINE (MYCO) REGISTRY AND THE MYANMAR COMPANIES LAW 2017 The Myanmar Companies Law 2017 came into effect on 1 August 2018 and the Myanmar Companies Online (MyCO) registry has been established to support its implementation ( The Myanmar Companies Online (MyCO) registry permits the electronic registration of companiesmeans in accordance…September 12, 2018
NEWS AND STORIES, Notifications ANNOUNCEMENT OF APPRECIATION The Myanmar Companies Law 2017 has commenced on 1st August 2018 and Myanmar Companies Online “MyCO” registry has been launched for all new company registrations and existing company re-registrations.We, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, would like to warmly…August 2, 2018