Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE KAYAH STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (KIC) HOLDS ITS (7/2021) MEETING The Kayah State Investment Committee (KIC) meeting (7/2021) was convened at the meeting room of Kayah State Government Office on 30th December, 2021 in Loikaw. The meeting was chaired by U Khin Maung Oo, Chairman of Kayah State Investment Committee…December 30, 2021
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No. 151/2021, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration December 29, 2021
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES A FIELD INSPECTION OF THE FACTORIES The monitoring team led by U Tin Htun Aung, Director of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Mon State) and his team conducted a field inspection of factories in Mudon Township, Mon State on 28th December 2021. During the…December 29, 2021
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (MRIC) HOLDS ITS (4/2021) MEETING Mandalay Region Investment Committee (MRIC) meeting (4/2021) was convened at the meeting room of the Mandalay Regional Government Office on 28th December 2021. The meeting was attended by U Maung Ko Chairman of MRIC and members of MRIC. …December 29, 2021
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS IT (7/2021) MEETING Magway Region Investment Committee Meeting (7/2021) was held on 28th December, 2021 at the Magway Region Government Office meeting room. The meeting was attended by U Tint Lwin, Chairman of the Magway Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister of Magway…December 29, 2021
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Mandalay Region Investment Monitoring team led by U Thein Htay, Economic Minister for the Mandalay Region Government, conducted a field inspection of an investment project for the production, processing, and marketing of all kinds of poultry feeds, animal feeds, shrimp,…December 28, 2021
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications ကိုဗစ်-၁၉ ရောဂါ ကာကွယ်ဆေး ထိုးနှံရန် စာရင်းပေးသွင်းခဲ့သော ကုမ္ပဏီများ ကာကွယ်ဆေးထိုးနှံနိုင်ရေးအတွက် အသိပေးကြေညာချက် December 27, 2021
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES BAGO REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (BRIC) HOLDS ITS (6/2021) MEETING Bago Region Investment Committee’s (6/2021) meeting was convened at the Tawwin Hanthar Meeting Room of Bago Region Government Office on 27 December 2021, and attended by Chief Minister U Myo Swe Win, Chairman of the Bago Region Investment Committee, members…December 27, 2021
Events, NEWS AND STORIES AWARENESS EVENT ON OBTAINING ENDORSEMENT FOR THE HOTEL AND TOURISM SECTOR UNDER MYANMAR INVESTMENT LAW HOLDS IN KACHIN STATE OFFICE The awareness of rights and protections, tax exemptions or reliefs, and applying endorsement for the hotel and tourism sector was held at the meeting room, Kachin State Office, Myitkyina, on December 27, 2021 in the morning. The event was attended…December 27, 2021
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SEMINAR ON “LAWS, RULES, REGULATIONS AND PROCEDURES RELATED TO INVESTMENT” The Yangon Region Investment Committee (YRIC) organized a seminar on Laws, Rules, Regulations and Procedures related to Investment in Yangon on 22nd December, 2021. At the seminar, U Aung Than Oo, Economic Minister for Yangon Region Government and member of YRIC…December 23, 2021
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF SHAN STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Shan State Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the project of road and bridge usage fees collection with BOT system permitted by the Myanmar Investment Commission in Taunggyi Township, on 22nd Dec 2021. The team coordinated for the…December 23, 2021
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES TANINTHARYI REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (TRIC) HOLDS ITS (7/2021) MEETING The Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee (TRIC) was held its (7/2021) meeting at Tanintharyi Region Government Office, in Dawei on 21st December 2021. U Myat Ko, Chairman of the Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister of the Tanintharyi Region, 7…December 22, 2021