Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE KAYIN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (KYNIC) CONVENED ITS (3/2022) MEETING The Kayin State Investment Committee (KYNIC) convened its (3/2022) meeting at the Kayin State Government Office, in Hpa An on 5th April 2022. The meeting was attended by 7 members of KYNIC including U Saw Myint Oo, Chairman of KYNIC,…April 6, 2022
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the manufacturing of various kinds of bags on CMP basis under the endorsement of the Yangon Region Investment Committee at Dagon Seikkan Township, in Yangon Region on 30th March 2022.…April 5, 2022
Events, NEWS AND STORIES UNBOXING INVESTMENT FACILITATION TOOLKIT 2022 HELD AIMING TO PROMOTE, STREAMLINE INVESTMENT FOR BETTER MYANMAR ECONOMIC COMMUNITY THE Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations introduced the investment facilitation tools under the “Unboxing Investment Facilitation Toolkit 2022” in Yangon on 1 April. It aims to support the investment sector, upgrade online services, reduce the burdens, provide investment…April 4, 2022
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No. 55/2022, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration April 1, 2022
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES BAGO REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (3/ 2022) MEETING Bago Region Investment Committee (BRIC )Meeting (3/2022) was convened at Bago Region Government Office on 30th March 2022. The meeting was chaired by Chief Minister of Bago Region Government, U Myo Swe Win, the Chairman of BRIC and attended by…April 1, 2022
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE TANINTHARYI REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (TRIC) MEETING (3/2022) The Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee (TRIC) meeting (3/2022) was convened at the Tanintharyi Region Government Office on 30th March, 2022. The meeting was chaired by the Chief Minister of the Tanintharyi Region Government, U Myat Ko, the Chairman of the…April 1, 2022
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MIC MEETING APPROVES SEVEN NEW PROJECTS INCLUDING POWER PLANT CONSTRUCTION PROJECT (30th March 2022, Nay Pyi Taw) The Myanmar Investment Commission held the meeting (2/2022) yesterday afternoon in Nay Pyi Taw. The meeting was attended by State Administration Council Member Myanmar Investment Commission Chairman Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun and the commission members.…March 31, 2022
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS IT’S (3/2022) MEETING The Magway Region Investment Committee Meeting (3/2022) was convened at Magway Region Government Office on 29th March, 2022. The meeting was chaired by the Chief Minister for Magway Region Government, U Tint Lwin, Chairman of the Magway Region Investment Committee…March 31, 2022
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF AYEYAWADY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (ARIC) Monitoring team led by U Thet Paing, Director from Ayeyawady Region office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration conducted field inspection on the two investment projects of manufacturing garments on CMP basis under the endorsement of ARIC on 30th…March 31, 2022
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES KACHIN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (2/2022) MEETING Kachin State Investment Committee (KCSIC) meeting (2/2022) was convened at Kachin State Government Office on 30th March, 2022. The meeting was chaired by the Chief Minister for Kachin State Government, U Hkyet Hting Nan, Chairman of the Kachin State Investment…March 31, 2022
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF SHAN STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Shan State Investment Monitoring Team conducted field inspection on the investment project of restoration of Kyaingtong-Tachileik roadway and carrying out toll collection under the permission of Myanmar Investment Commission in Tachileik Township, Eastern Shan State on 23rd March 2022. The…March 29, 2022