Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with, Mr. Satoshi Mitsukuri, Senior Manager of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC Mr. Satoshi Mitsukuri, Senior Manager of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC paid a call at office No. 32, Nay Pyi Taw, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration at 13:20 hrs on 10th June, 2014 and cordially discussed about investment opportunities…June 10, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) The delegation lead by Mr. FUJITA Yasuo, Director General, Credit Risk Analysis Division, Credit Risk Analysis & Environmental Review Development, JICA visited at Building No. (32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (2:00) pm on 6th June, 2014.…June 6, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Mr. Dheeraj Mishra, Director, Myanmar Carlsberg Co., Ltd. Mr. Dheeraj Mishra, Director of Myanmar Carlsberg Co., Ltd. paid a call at Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Office Building No.(32), Nay Pyi Taw, at (10:00) AM on 6th June , 2014. At the meeting, they cordially discussed about…June 6, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with U Thein Htoon, Chairman & CEO of Tun Thwin Mining Co.,Ltd. The delegation led by U Thein Htoon, Chairman & CEO of Tun Thwin Mining Co.,Ltd. together with Mr. Teo Chan Koon , President, ISDN Holdings Ltd. from Singapore visited Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Office Building No. (32) at…June 5, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Masako Inoue, Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry from Japan Mr. Masako Inoue, Ministry of Economic, Trade and Industry from Japan visited Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Office Building No. (32), at (13?00) PM on 29th May 2014 and cordially discussed matters relating to investment.May 29, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Mr. Satoshi OGAWA, Managing Director, Myanmar Ajinomoto Industry Co., Ltd. from Thailand Mr. Satoshi OGAWA, Managing Director, Myanmar Ajinomoto Industry Co., Ltd. from Thailand visited Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Office Building No. (32), at (14 ?00) PM on 28th May 2014. At the meeting, they cordially discussed about their investment…May 28, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Mr. Dominique Causse, Head of the Economic Service from France Embassy, Yangon Mr. Dominique Causse, Head of the Economic Service from France Embassy, Yangon came to meet U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of the Investment and Company Administration (DICA), Nay Pyi Taw on 28 May 2014. Both sides cordially…May 28, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with OMEGA LINE Limited The delegation lead by U San Lwin, Director from OMEGA LINE Limited visited at Building no.(32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (15:00)pm on 27 May, 2014 and cordially discussed matters relating to investment.May 27, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Asian Development Bank The delegation lead by Mr. Winfried F. Wicklein, Country Director from Asian Development Bank visited at Building no.(32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (11:30)am on 30th April, 2014 and cordially discussed matters relating to the cooperation between…April 30, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co.,Ltd. The delegation lead by Mr. Sotaro Makita, Senior Consultant from Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting Co., Ltd. visited at Building no.(32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (11:00)am on 30th April, 2014 and cordially discussed matters relating to investment opportunities…April 30, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Oceanic Communications (Asia) Limited The delegation lead by Mr.David Borrill, Country Manager-Myanmar from Oceanic Communications (Asia) Limited visited at Building no.(32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (10:30)pm on 30 April, 2014 and cordially discussed matters relating to investment.April 30, 2014
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) The delegation lead by Mr. Irina Scheffmann, Head of Programme from Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) visited at Building No. (32), Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) at (10:00)am on 30th April, 2014 and cordially discussed about the…April 30, 2014