Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE CONSULTATION MEETING WITH INVESTORS FROM SERVICES SECTOR In order to facilitate investment projects and consult with investors in services, infrastructures and other related sector such as construction, transport & tele-communication, industrial zones, power and other services sector under Myanmar Investment Commission’s permit, the meeting was held at…March 5, 2015
Events, NEWS AND STORIES TRAINING ON SOCIOECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION OF INVESTMENT PROPOSALS The opening ceremony of the training on Socioeconomic and Environmental Evaluation of Investment Proposals, jointly organized by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), was held at the Office of DICA, No. (1),…March 2, 2015
NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH FEDERATION OF THAI INDUSTRIES (F.T.I) ASEAN CENTER THAILAND (FACT) The delegation lead by Dr. Sareeya do Amaral, Director, Federation of Thai Industries(F.T.I) ASEAN Center Thailand(FACT) visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (09:30) am on…February 26, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SIERRA PROJECTS CO., LTD. The delegation lead by Ms. Rose O’Hearn, Managing Director, Sierra Projects Co., Ltd. visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (14:30) pm on 26th February, 2015…February 26, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH EPIC GROUP The delegation led by Mr.Sunil Daulatram Daryanani, Managing Director, EPIC Group visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (10:00) am on 26th February, 2015 and…February 26, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Toyoko Inn Economy Hotel Planning & Development Co., Ltd. The delegation led by Mr. Keiko IGARASHI, President and Chief Operating Officer, Toyoko Inn Economy Hotel Planning & Development Co., Ltd. visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township)…February 25, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH TAIWAN TRADE CENTER INC., YANGON BRANCH The delegation led by Mr. Michael Yeh, Director, Taiwan Trade Center Inc., Yangon Branch visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (10:00) am on 25th…February 25, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH AUSTRALIAN TRADE COMMISSION The delegation lead by Mr. Ross Bray, Senior Trade Commissioner and Counsellor (Commercial), Australian Trade Commission visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (13:00) pm…February 25, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES Discussion with Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) The delegation led by Mr. Jonathan Rao, Counsellor (Trade), Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) together with companies from Malaysia visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in…February 24, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH AMERICAN OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION The delegation lead by Mr. Iman Kennerly, Director, Small and Medium Enterprise Finance, American Overseas Private Investment Corporation visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at…February 24, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH BIG C SUPERCENTER PUBLIC CO., LTD The delegation lead by Mr. Rob Cissell, Chief Executive Officer and President, Big C Supercenter Public Co., Ltd visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at…February 24, 2015
Events, NEWS AND STORIES INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT (IKM) TRAINING / WORKSHOP With the assistance of the Germany International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), the Training / Workshop on Information and Knowledge Management (IKM) was conducted at the meeting hall of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration at No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township,…February 18, 2015