Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE SHAN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (4/2023) MEETING The Shan State Investment Committee (4/2023) meeting was held at Shan State Government Office meeting room on May 31st 2023. U Aung Zaw Aye, Chairman of Shan State Investment Committee and other members attended the meeting. At the meeting, Shan…June 2, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No.72/2023, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration June 2, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the manufacturing of various kinds of signal cable on CMP basis and manufacturing, marketing and selling of various kinds of labels, tags, stickers and color boxes for CMP etnerprises under…June 2, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The Mandalay Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the three projects operating under the permit of the Myanmar Investment Commission on 30th May 2023.The team coordinated the needs of the companies.June 2, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY NAY PYI TAW INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM With the aims to carry out investment facilitation and monitoring members of Nay Pyi Taw Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the project of Freezing, Producing and Marketing of Vegetables and Fruits and manufacturing of garment on CMP…June 2, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications List of recommended companies for visa to Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population from (31-5-2023) June 1, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES HONG KONG (CHINA) – CLMV ONLINE INVESTMENT FORUM HELD Under the economic and technological cooperation programme of the ASEAN-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement (AHKFTA), Hong Kong (China) and the CLMV member countries held the HKC-CLMV Online Investment Forum online yesterday morning under the management of the Directorate of Investment and…June 1, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications List of recommended companies for visa to Ministry of Labour, Immigration and Population from (30-5-2023) May 31, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the manufacturing of various kinds of garment on CMP basis under Yangon Region Investment Committee endorsement at Hlaing Thar Yar Township, in Yangon Region on 25th May, 2023. The team…May 30, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING (5/2023) WAS HELD The Magway Region Investment Committee Meeting (5/2023) was held at Magway Region Government Office on 25th May, 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Tint Lwin, Chairman of the Magway Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister for Magway Region Government, and…May 30, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE KAYIN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (KYNIC) MEETING (2/2023) The Kayin State Investment Committee (KYNIC) meeting (2/2023) was held on 26th May, 2023 at the meeting room of the Kayin State Government Office. U Saw Myint Oo, Chairman of KYNIC, Chief Minister for Kayin State, U Saw Khin…May 30, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES YANGON REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 5/2023 The Yangon Region Investment Committee meeting 5/2023, Chairman of the Yangon Region Investment Committee U Soe Thein, Chief Minister for the Yangon Region Government, held on 26th May 2023 at Yangon Region Investment Committee in Yangon Office and was attended,…May 30, 2023