Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Magway Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspections on Manufacturing and Sale of Concrete Pillar at Minbu (Saku) township on 11th August, 2023. The team met representatives of the company and coordinated the requirements of the project.August 11, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No.116/2023, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration August 7, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The Mandalay Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on one investment project operating under the permit of the Myanmar Investment Commission on 3rd August 2023.The team coordinated the needs of the companies.August 4, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES KACHIN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (3/2023) MEETING Kachin State Investment Committee (KCSIC) meeting (3/2023) was held at Kachin State Government Office on 3rd August, 2023. The meeting was chaired by Thiri Pyanchi U Hkyet Hting Nan, Chairman of the Kachin State Investment Committee and Chief Minister for…August 4, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY RAKHINE STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Rakhine State Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on hotel service investment project operating at Mrauk Oo township, Rakhine State on 29th July 2023. The team coordinated and facilitated the needs of the company. August 2, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the manufacturing of various kinds of garment on CMP basis and manufacturing and selling of various kinds of bags on 100 % local sale under Yangon Region Investment Committee endorsement…July 31, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES NAY PYI TAW COUNCIL INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLD ITS (2/2023) MEETING The Nay Pyi Taw Council Investment Committee – NCIC (2/2023) meeting was held on 28th July, 2023 at the Nay Pyi Taw Council Office. The meeting was led by U Tin Oo Lwin, the Chairman of the Nay Pyi Taw…July 31, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No.111/2023, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration July 28, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY SHAN STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Shan State Investment monitoring team conducted field inspection on a project of maize drying and cleaning business, a project of cement production and a project of road repair and construction with BOT system which is operating under the Myanmar Investment…July 27, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES AYEYARWADY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (ARIC) HOLDS ITS (3/2023) MEETING The Ayeyarwady Region Investment Committee (ARIC) meeting 3/2023 was convened at the Ayeyarwady Region Government Office on 26th July, 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Tin Maung Win, the Chairman of the Ayeyarwady Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister of…July 27, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES YANGON REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (7/2023) MEETING The Yangon Region Investment Committee meeting 7/2023 was held at Yangon Region Investment Committee in Yangon Office on 26th July 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Soe Thein, Chief Minister for the Yangon Region Government, Chairman of the Yangon…July 26, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MON STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (3/2023) MEETING Mon State Investment Committee meeting (3/2023) was held at Aung San Hall of Mon State government office on 25th July 2023. The meeting was attended by U Aung Kyi Thein, Chairman of the Mon State Investment Committee and Chief…July 26, 2023