Branch offices, Events, NEWS AND STORIES MYANMAR HOSTS 26TH GMS MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE The 26th Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Ministerial Conference (MC26), held on 15 December 2023 at the Grand Amara Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, was chaired by Dr Kan Zaw, GMS Minister and Union Minister for Investment and Foreign Economic…December 15, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No.199/2023, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration December 13, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on Manufacturing of Hair Products on CMP Basis under Yangon Region Investment Committee at Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) Township, Yangon Region on 6th December, 2023. The team inspected the commencement of commercial operation,…December 12, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES TANINTHARYI REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE’S (6/2023) MEETING The Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee (TRIC) meeting 6/2023 was convened at Tanintharyi Region Government Office on 8th December 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Myat Ko, Chairman of Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister of Tanintharyi Region Government…December 12, 2023
Branch offices, NEWS AND STORIES FACILITATION VIA VIDEO CONFERENCING BY MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Magway Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a meeting with the representatives from investment project of operating electric power generation with hybrid solar and generator mini grid facilities for rural regions in Min Hla Township, Magway Region via Video Conferencing System on…December 11, 2023
Branch offices, NEWS AND STORIES THE SHAN STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE (8/2023) MEETING The Shan State Investment Committee (8/2023) meeting was held on 5th December 2023 at Shan State Government Office. The meeting was chaired by U Aung Zaw Aye, Chairman of Shan State Investment Committee and attended by the members of the…December 6, 2023
Branch offices, NEWS AND STORIES DIRECTOR GENERAL, U THANT SIN LWIN ATTENDED THE SIDELINE CONSULTATION EVENT ON TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND THE REPUBLIC OF THE UNION OF MYANMAR (Nay Pyi Taw, December 5) The delegation led by Mr. Nikolai PATRUSHEV, the secretary of the Russian Security Council has conducted sideline consultation events during the visit in Myanmar and sideline consultation event on Trade and Economic Cooperation was held…December 6, 2023
ANNOUNCEMENTS AND INFORMATION, Notifications Notification No.195/2023, List of Companies Struck Off from the Company Registration December 1, 2023
Branch offices, NEWS AND STORIES MON STATE INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS ITS (4/ 2023) MEETING Mon State Investment Committee meeting (4/2023) was held at Aung San Hall of Mon State government office at (13:00) PM on 29th November 2023. The meeting was attended by U Aung Kyi Thein, Chairman of the Mon State Investment Committee…December 1, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING (11/2023) WAS HELD The Magway Region Investment Committee Meeting (11/2023) was held at Magway Region Government Office on 23rd November, 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Tint Lwin, Chairman of the Magway Region Investment Committee and Chief Minister for Magway Region Government, and…November 24, 2023
Branch offices, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES YANGON REGION INVESTMENT COMMITTEE MEETING 11/2023 The Yangon Region Investment Committee meeting 11/2023 was held at Yangon Region Investment Committee on 22th November, 2023. The meeting was chaired by U Soe Thein, Chief Minister for the Yangon Region Government and attended by the Members of the…November 23, 2023