Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH CHEMONICS INTERNATIONAL Mr. Stephen P. Wade, Former Member of the Board, Chemonics International visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (10:00) am on 2nd April, 2015 and hospitably…April 2, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES EXTENSION FOR CONSULTATION DATE ON THE MODERNIZATION OF MYANMAR INVESTMENT LAW In order to modernize the Myanmar Investment Law, the Directorate of the Investment and Company Administration (DICA) is currently preparing a new Myanmar Investment Law with the assistance of International Finance Corporation (IFC). The draft law in Myanmar and English…March 30, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH HONG KONG LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL The delegation lead by Mr. Hon. Felix KP Chung, Member (Textiles and Garment Sector), Hong Kong Legislative Council visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (14:30)…March 23, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES CONSULTATIONS MEETING ON DRAFT INVESTMENT LAW IN YANGON, MYANMAR Consultations meeting on draft Investment Law was held at Grand Ballroom, Chatrium Hotel, Yangon at 1:30 pm on 20th March , 2015. The meeting was attended by Daw Cho Cho Wynn, Deputy Director General, the Directorate of Investment and Company…March 20, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MEETING HELD TO DISCUSS REFORMS IN THE DRAFT MYANMAR COMPANIES LAW A consultation meeting to discuss the reforms in the draft Myanmar Companies Law, which the Directorate of Investment and Companies Administration (DICA) is preparing with the assistance of the Asian Development Bank (ADB), was held on 14 March 2015 at…March 14, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE CONSULTATION MEETING WITH INVESTORS FROM HOTELS & TOURISM AND REAL ESTATE SECTOR In order to facilitate investment projects and consulation with investors from hotels & tourism and real estate sector under Myanmar Investment Commission’s permit, the meeting was held at Myanmar Investment Commission Office located at No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township, Yangon…March 11, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH VANTAGE CO., LTD. The delegation lead by U Sai Mook, General Manager, Vantage Co., Ltd. visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration ( No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (13:00) pm on 10th March, 2015…March 10, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION ON MIC PERMITTED PROJECTS Discussion with the MIC permitted projects on the land owned by quarter master general office, Ministry of Defence at the office of the Yangon Region at (9:30) am on 7th March, 2015.March 7, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH MITSUBISHI CORPORATION (YANGON BRANCH) The delegation led by Mr. Mituo IDO, Chief Representative, Mitsubishi Corporation (Yangon Branch) visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (1:00) pm on 7th March, 2015…March 7, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE CONSULTATION MEETING WITH INVESTORS FROM SERVICES SECTOR In order to facilitate investment projects and consult with investors in services, infrastructures and other related sector such as construction, transport & tele-communication, industrial zones, power and other services sector under Myanmar Investment Commission’s permit, the meeting was held at…March 5, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SIERRA PROJECTS CO., LTD. The delegation lead by Ms. Rose O’Hearn, Managing Director, Sierra Projects Co., Ltd. visited at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (14:30) pm on 26th February, 2015…February 26, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH EPIC GROUP The delegation led by Mr.Sunil Daulatram Daryanani, Managing Director, EPIC Group visited at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (Office No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (10:00) am on 26th February, 2015 and…February 26, 2015