Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES MEETING ON FOLLOW UP ACTIVITIES OF DICA-GIZ PLANNING WORKSHOP With the assistance of the Germany International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), the meeting on follow up activities of DICA-GIZ Planning workshop was conducted at the meeting hall of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration at No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township,…August 12, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SHELL MYANMAR ENERGY PTE. LTD. The delegation led by Mr. Anthony (Tony) Cortis, Venture Lead Myanmar, Shell Myanmar Energy Pte. Ltd., visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 3:00 pm on 6th, August 2015…August 6, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH UNITED OVERSEAS BANK The delegation led by Mr. Harry Loh Nee Thiam, Country Manager, UOB Yangon Branch, United Overseas Bank visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 10:00 a.m on 6th August,…August 6, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH PT. ANTAM(PERSERO)TBK The delegation led by Mr. Hashari Kamaruddin, Senior Geologist(PIC Myanmar Project), PT.ANTAM(Persero)Tbk visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration ( No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 10:00 a.m on 5th August 2015 and cordially discussed…August 5, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH MR. MITSUHIRO KIMURA, GENERAL MANAGER, THE BANK OF TOKYO MITSUBISHI UFJ., LTD Mr. Mitsuhiro Kimura, General Manager, The Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ., Ltd paid a call at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township , Yangon at 11:00 a.m on 5th August 2015…August 5, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH NIPPO CORPORATION The delegation led by Mr. Yoshikazu Yoshikawa, Director, Managing Executive officer, Nippo Corporation visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 13:00 p.m on 27th July, 2015 and cordially discussed…July 27, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THAILAND INVESTMENT MISSION VISIT TO DICA The investment mission led by Ms. Chollada Areerajjakul, Director, Thai Overseas Investment Promotion Division, The Thailand Board of Investment (BOI), visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration ( No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 14:30…July 23, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SURBANA INTERNATIONAL CONSULTANTS (MYANMAR) CO., LTD. The delegation led by Mr. Loh Mun Ching Richard, Divisional Manager, Project Management, Surbana International Consultants (Myanmar) Co., Ltd. visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 11:00 am…July 22, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SIX CAPITAL WEALTH PTE. LTD. The delegation led by Ms. Gan Shi Ying, Vice President, Alternative Investment & Medidollar, Six Capital Wealth Pte. Ltd., visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 1:00 pm on…July 22, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH KOREA INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX CO. The delegation led by Mr. Bae. Bae-Ho Cho, CEO, Head, Korea Industrial Complex Co., visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 12:00 pm on 22nd July 2015 and warmly…July 22, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH EMBASSY OF JAPAN The delegation led by Mr. Ichiro Maruyama, Minister-Counsellor/Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Japan visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration ( No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (12:30)p.m on 16th July, 2015 and cordially…July 16, 2015
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH JICA Mr. INADA Kyosuke, Senior Representative, and his party from JICA paid a call at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township, Yangon at (10:35) am on 16th July, 2015. At the meeting, they…July 16, 2015