Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH MR. CHARLES SCHNEIDER, SENIOR OPERATION OFFICER, INTERNATIONAL FINANCE COOPERATION (IFC) Mr. Charles Schneider, Senior Operation Officer, International Finance Cooperation (IFC) visited the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 09:00 am on 1st July, 2016. At the meeting, they cordially…July 1, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH BUSINESS DELEGATION FROM CHINA EXPORT CREDIT & INSURANCE CORPORATION (SINOSURE) The business delegation led by Mr. XIE Longhai, Chief Representative, China Export Credit & Insurance Corporation (Sinosure) visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration in Yangon at 14:00 on 29th June, 2016 and cordially discussed matters relating…June 29, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES THE 1ST MYANMAR INVESTMENT COMMISSION MEETING HOLDS IN NAY PYI TAW The 1st Myanmar Investment Commission Meeting of the New Government was held on 27th June, 2016 at Office No.1, Ministry of Planning and Finance, Nay Pyi Taw. Total of (8) investment proposals had been issued in accordance with the Meeting. June 28, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH THE REPRESENTATIVES FROM ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (ADB) Mr. Stephen Schuster, Senior Financial Sector Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB) and his group paid a call at the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Office, No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township, Yangon at 10:00 am on 23rd June, 2016…June 27, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH DELEGATION FROM CHINA RESOURCES GROUP The delegation led by Mr. Max Yu Zhong Liang, Senior Deputy Chief Strategy Officer, China Resources Group visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration in Yangon at 11:00 on 22nd June, 2016 and cordially discussed matters relating…June 23, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH HIGHWEALTH CONSTRUCTION CORP. The delegation led by Mr. Cheng Chin Tien , President, Highwealth Construction Corp. visited the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration ( No. 1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at (15:00) pm on 22nd June,…June 23, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SWISS SINGAPORE OVERSEAS ENTERPRISES PTE,. LTD. The delegation led by Mr. Basil Bariyawal, Finance Manager, SWISS Singapore Overseas Enterprises Pte,. Ltd. visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 4:30 p.m on 20th June, 2016,…June 21, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH THE MEMBERS OF INVESTMENT PROMOTION WORKING GROUP OF MYANMAR-JAPAN JOINT INITIATIVE The Members of Investment Promotion Working Group of Myanmar-Japan Joint Initiative paid a call at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 10:00 am on 16th June, 2016. At…June 17, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH MR. NAOYA KISHI, FIRST SECRETARY OF JAPAN EMBASSY TO MYANMAR Mr. Naoya KISHI, First Secretary of Japan Embassy to Myanmar paid a call at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 2:00 pm on 16th June, 2016. At the…June 17, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH BUSINESS DELEGATION FROM CHENGDU ASSOCIATION FOR FOREIGN TRADE AND ECONOMIC COOPERATION (CAFETC) The business delegation led by Mr. Chen Xiao, Secretary General, Chengdu Association for Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAFETC) visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration in Yangon at 10:00 a.m on 17th June, 2016 and cordially…June 17, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH NESTLÉ MYANMAR LTD. The delegation led by Mr. HAYRI DEVRIM CÖBEK, Managing Director, Nestlé Myanmar Ltd. visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 10:00 a.m on 15th June, 2016, and cordially discussed…June 16, 2016
Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DISCUSSION WITH SCLH LEGAL & TAX CONSULTANTS (MYANMAR) LTD. The delegation led by Mr. Chavalit Uttasart, Partner, SCLH Legal & Tax Consultants (Myanmar) Ltd. visited the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township) in Yangon at 11:00 a.m on 15th June, 2016, and…June 16, 2016