Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY NAY PYI TAW INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Nay Pyi Taw Investment Monitoring Team and special invitees from the Nay Pyi Taw office of the Department of Agriculture conducted a field inspection on the investment project of cultivation, production and sale of variety of hybrid rice seeds and…March 15, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The Mandalay Region Investment Monitoring conducted field inspection on a business operating under the permit of the Myanmar Investment Commission and a business under the endorsement of Mandalay Region Investment Committee in Mandalay Region on 9th March 2023. The team…March 14, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF THE SHAN STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The officials of the Shan State Investment Monitoring Team conducted field inspection on the projects: manufacturing of sugar, manufacturing of cement, road elevation with BOT system, cultivation and production of cocoon, production and sale of seeds, cultivation and production of…March 1, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY NAY PYI TAW INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Nay Pyi Taw Investment Monitoring Team accompanied by officials from regional Department of Agriculture and Dekkhinathiri Township Administrative Group conducted a field inspection on the project of production and sales of rice seed under the endorsement of Myanmar Investment Commission(MIC)…February 16, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the manufacturing of artificial jewellery on CMP basis with the endorsement of Yangon Region Investment Committee at Dagon Myothit (East) Townshipon 14thFebruary, 2023. The team inspected the commencement of commercial…February 15, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF SHAN STATE INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The Shan State Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the project of plantation of avocado and production exporting of avocado oil with the endorsement of Shan State Investment Committee in Southern Shan State on 10th February 2023. The…February 13, 2023
Branch offices, Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION OF MAGWAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Magway Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on raising and sale of cattle and horses in Magway Region on 8th February, 2023. The team met representatives of the company and coordinated the requirements of the project.February 10, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY AYEYARWADY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Ayeyarwady Region Investment monitoring team led by U Thet Paing, Director from Ayeyarwady Region office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration conducted field inspection on the Pathein Industrial City Project with the Permit of Myanmar Investment Commission on 27th…January 30, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY YANGON REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Yangon Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on investment project of production and local distribution of paper boxes and the project of manufacturing various kinds of garments on CMP basis with the endorsements of Yangon Region Investment Committee…January 30, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY NAY PYI TAW INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Nay Pyi Taw Investment Monitoring Team accompanied by officials from Nay Pyi Taw office of Directorate of Hotels and Tourism conducted the field inspection on the investment project of hotel construction and providing hotel services under the permission of Myanmar…January 30, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD VISIT BY NAY PYI TAW INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM Nay Pyi Taw Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the investment project of production and marketing rice and corn under the permission of Myanmar Investment Commission at Lewe Township on 26th January, 2023. During the visit the team…January 30, 2023
Ground field inspection, NEWS AND STORIES FIELD INSPECTION BY MANDALAY REGION INVESTMENT MONITORING TEAM The Mandalay Region Investment Monitoring Team conducted a field inspection on the two projects operating under the permit of the Myanmar Investment Commission in Mandalay Region on 24th January 2023. The team coordinated the needs of the companies.January 25, 2023