Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (16/2019) WAS HELD AT YANGON HEAD OFFICE DIRECTORATE OF INVESTMENT AND COMPANY ADMINISTRATION Durbar Meeting (16/2019) was held at DICA office in Yangon on 24 th December 2019. The meeting was attended by officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA and Director General gave the necessary guidance.December 24, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES “MYANMAR INVESTMENT SEMINAR FOR AUTOMOTIVE PARTS AND COMPONENTS SUPPLIERS HELDS IN THAILAND” In order to provide the information regarding the investment in Myanmar, the Myanmar investment seminar for automotive parts and components suppliers was held in Chongburi and Rayong, Thailand on 12 and 13 December 2019. Myanmar delegation led by Deputy Director…December 14, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (15/2019) WAS HELD Durbar Meeting (15/2019) was held at DICA office in Yangon on 11th December 2019. The meeting was attended by officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA and Director General gave the necessary guidance.December 12, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES TANINTHARYI REGION INVESTMENT FORUM 2019 HELD IN MYEIK, TANINTHARYI REGION Tanintharyi Region Investment Forum 2019 was held at the Pearl Laguna Resort in Myeik, Tanintharyi Region on 7thDecember, 2019. It was organized by the Tanintharyi Region Government, Tanintharyi Region Investment Committee, supported by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),…December 7, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES TASK FORCE CONSULTATION AND DIALOGUE ON RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS CONDUCT (RBC) The Task Force Consultation and Dialogue on Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) was held at Wyndham Grand Hotel Yangon on 3rd December 2019 with the collaboration of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and…December 3, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES INFORMATION EVENT ON MYANMAR COMPANIES LAW AND RELATED PROCEDURES HELD IN NAY PYI TAW Directorate of Investment and Company Administration; Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory Office held “the Information Event on Myanmar Companies Law and Related Procedures” on 26th November, 2019 at Office NO.(32) Nay Pyi Taw. At the event, Daw Phyo Pwint Han, Head…November 29, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES MIFER HOLDS KATHINA ROBE OFFERING CEREMONY IN NAY PYI TAW The first Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony held of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations was held at the San Myaing Taw Ya Monestry in Nay Pyi Taw on 28 th November 2019. Members of Sangha led by Presiding…November 29, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SHAN STATE INVESTMENT FORUM 2019 HELD IN TAUNGGYI, SHAN STATE Shan State Investment Forum 2019 was held at the Royal Taunggyi Hotel in Taunggyi, Shan State on 26th November, 2019. It was organized by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER), the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and the Shan State…November 26, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DICA HOLDS KATHINA ROBES DONATION CEREMONY “The Sixth Kathina Robes Offering Ceremony of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA)” was held on 23rd November, 2019 at the DICA Office in Yangon, with the attendance of Sanghas from Thukhita Yama (Yin-Ngay) Monastery of Mingaladon Township,…November 23, 2019
Events, Meetings / Discussions, NEWS AND STORIES DICA’S NEW BRANCH OFFICE IN KAYIN STATE The opening ceremony of “Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration; Kayin State Office” was held on 21st November, 2019 at 8:00 am. Daw Nan Khin Htwe Myint ,Chief Minister of Kayin State, U…November 22, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES U THANT SIN LWIN ATTENDS MYANMAR-SINGAPORE BUSINESS SUMMIT 2019 U Thant Sin Lwin, Director General of the Directorate of Investment & Company Administration under the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations attended the Myanmar-Singapore Business Summit 2019 which was held on 14th November, 2019 with the collaboration of…November 15, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES MANDALAY REGION GOVERNMENT HOSTS MANDALAY BUSINESS FORUM FOR PROMOTING TRADE AND INVESTMENT IN MANDALAY REGION Mandalay Business Forum was held on 9th November 2018 at Mandalay Convention Center, Mandalay Region. The forum was jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Mandalay Region Government and Mandalay Region Investment Committee, and supported by New Starlight…November 9, 2019