Events, NEWS AND STORIES CONVENING ASEAN COMPREHENSIVE INVESTMENT AGREEMENT (ACIA) FORUM AND SEMINAR The Opening Ceremony of the ASEAN Comprehensive Investment Agreement Forum and Seminar, jointly organized by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration under the Ministry of Planning and Finance with the assistance of the Australian Government…July 21, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES CONDUCTING INTERNAL SEMINAR ON RESPONSIBLE INVESTMENT The internal seminar on Responsible Investment was conducted at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration in Yangon at (14:00) pm on 14th July, 2016. That meeting was attended by officials led by Deputy Director General.July 15, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES TRAINING ON PUBLIC RELATION (PR) With the assistance of the Germany International Cooperation Agency (GIZ), the Training on Public Relation (PR) was conducted at the meeting hall of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration at No.1, Thitsar Street, Yankin Township,Yangon on 13th July 2016.…July 14, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE DELEGATION OF THE 4TH MEKONG-ROK BUSINESS FORUM VISIT THILAWA SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE As the second day program of the 4th Mekong – ROK Business Forum which is jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission, the ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and the Mekong Institute, the Delegates from Mekong Countries…July 1, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE 4TH MEKONG-ROK BUSINESS FORUM HELD IN YANGON Yangon — The 4th Mekong – ROK Business Forum was held on June 30th 2016 at Novotel Yangon Max, Myanmar. It was organized under the theme of “Realizing Investment Opportunities in Mekong Sub-region” by Myanmar Investment Commission in partnership with the…June 30, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE 1ST MEETING “MYANMAR – JAPAN JOINT INITIATIVE (PHASE II)” HELD The 1st Meeting “Myanmar – Japan Joint Initiative (Phase II) was inaugurated on 13-6-2016. The relevant government officials led by U Kyaw Win, the Union Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Finance from Myanmar side and the participants led…June 14, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES US-MYANMAR ECONOMIC RELATIONS: THE NEXT PHASE CONFERENCE The US-Myanmar Economic Relations: The Next Phase Conference was held at UMFCCI, Yangon on 6th June 2016. The conference was attended by U Kyaw Win, Union Minister for Ministry of Planning and Finance, U Myint Thaung, Minister for Ministry of…June 6, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DEPARTMENTAL WRITTEN EXAMINATION HELD The Departmental Written Examination for staff of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) was held on 28th May 2016 at the Head Office in Yangon and the State and Regional Branch Offices of DICA.May 31, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SEMINAR ON “KNOWLEDGE ON INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS” TO DICA STAFF 30TH MAY 2016 The Seminar on “Knowledge on Intellectual Property Rights” to DICA Staff was conducted at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) in Yangon, at 2:00 pm today (30th May 2016). At the Seminar, U Min Tayza Nyunt…May 31, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SEMINAR ON “DICA SURVEY RESULT PRESENTATION” Seminar on “DICA Survey Result Presentation” was held on 24 May, 2016 at PAT room of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration at (9:30) a.m. The Seminar was attended by Deputy Director Generals and Directors from Directorate of Investment…May 25, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES CERTIFICATE AWARDING TO THE ACCOMPLISHED STAFF AND COMPUTER DONATION BY TAIWAN TRADE CENTER On 24th May 2016 Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Yangon head office hosted a ceremony of Certificate awarding to the staff from DICA who successfully finished the Microsoft Exam and Computer donation by Taiwan Trade Center and Bank of…May 25, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SEMINAR ON PPP AWARENESS TO DICA STAFF Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) with the collaboration ofJapan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Seminar on PPP Awareness to DICA Staffwas conducted at DICA office in Yangon today (24th May 2016). It was attended by a total of…May 25, 2016