Events, NEWS AND STORIES STUDY TOUR TO FRANCE POMA COMPANY A study tour led by U Khin Maung Yi, member of Myanmar Investment Commission visited to cable cars manufacturing, installation and services of POMA Company in Paris, France on 5th to 11st December 2016. The team was conducted around the…December 15, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES WORKSHOP ON 2017 OPERATIONAL PLANNING HELD The workshop on Operational Planning, jointly organized by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ) was held at Inya Lake Hotel in Yangon on 14th December 2016. It aims to jointly identify the…December 15, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES SEMINAR ON DISPUTE SETTLEMENT MECHANISM (INVESTMENT COURT SYSTEM)UNDER THE IPA (EU – MYANMAR IPA NEGOTIATION) Seminar on Dispute settlement mechanism (Investment Court System) under the IPA (EU – Myanmar IPA negotiation) for the negotiation of the Myanmar-EU Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement was held at the Thingaha Hotel, Nay Pyi Taw at morning on 12th December,…December 13, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE 4TH ROUND OF NEGOTIATIONS FOR MYANMAR-EU INVESTMENT PROTECTION AGREEMENT The 4th Round of Negotiations on Investment Protection Agreement between Myanmar and the EU was inaugurated at the MIC meeting room ,Yangon at 2:00 pm on 13th December ,2016 . About 16 representatives from the European Union and officials from…December 13, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING MYANMAR INVESTMENT DIALOGUE AT U THANT HALL, TOKYO The delegation led by H.E U Kyaw Win, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission and Union Minister for Ministry of Planning and Finance attended to Myanmar Investment Dialogue at U Thant Hall, Tokyo on 9th December 2016.December 9, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES CONVENING THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC : UNLOCKING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INVESTMENT: ROLE OF FINANCIAL SECTOR IN INDONESIA The 2nd International Forum on Economic Development and Public: Unlocking Public and Private Investment: Role of Financial Sector was held in Bali, Indonesia from December 8 to 9, 2016. This Forum was attended by U Than Aung Kyaw, Deputy Director…December 9, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES MYANMAR INVESTMENT DIALOGUE AND INDUSTRIAL FAMILIARIZATION PROGRAM ON RECYCLE SYSTEM IN JAPAN The delegation led by H.E U Kyaw Win, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission and Union Minister for Ministry of Planning and Finance visted Tokyo, Japan to attend Myanmar Investment Dialogue and study industries which are using recycle system from 7th…December 9, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES A STUDY TOUR TO THE ONE-STOP SERVICE CENTER OF INDONESIA BOARD OF INVESTMENT (BKPM) A total of 10 Myanmar delegation from One-stop Service related departments led by U Thant Sin Lwin, Deputy Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) under the Ministry of Planning and Finance, visited a study tour to…December 9, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES A STUDY TOUR TO THE ONE STOP SERVICE CENTER OF INDONESIA BOARD OF INVESTMENT (BKPM) With the fund of ASEAN-Japan Center, a total of 10 Myanmar delegation from One-stop Service related departments led by U Thant Sin Lwin, Deputy Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) under the Ministry of Planning and…December 7, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PRESS CONFERENCE ON PERMITTED ENTERPRISES ACCORDING TO MIC MEETING (22/2016) Press Conference on Permitted Enterprises according to MIC Meeting (22/2016) was held in the morning of 6th December 2016 at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration. At the conference, Director General gave details the facts related to…December 7, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES MINISTER’S DIALOGUE ON “INVESTMENT FUTURE IN MYANMAR: CLEAR SKIES OR A CLOUDY FORECAST?” Minister’s Dialogue on “Investment Future in Myanmar: Clear Skies or a Cloudy Forecast?” was held by cooperation with Myanmar Investment Commission and Singapore Institute of International Affairs (SIIA) at the Sedona Hotel, Yangon from 12:00 Pm to 15:00 Pm on…December 6, 2016
Events, NEWS AND STORIES REGIONAL SEMINAR ON INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT AGREEMENTS (IIAS) AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SIXTH MEETING OF THE ASIA-PACIFIC FDI NETWORK HELD IN BANGKOK, THAILAND With the aim to discuss current developments and challenges in investment rule making, and to find possible ways for improving the IIA system and its governance to ensure better supports achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals…December 2, 2016