Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING TO THE PUBLIC-PRIVATE DIALOGUE ON ENGAGING THE PRIVATE SECTOR IN ACHIEVING UNIVERSAL HEALTH COVERAGE (UHC) IN MYANMAR The Public-Private Dialogue on Engaging the Private Sector in Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Myanmar was held in Melia Hotel on 1st November, 2018 in Yangon which is organized by Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ). At the event,…November 1, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (14/2018) WAS HELD AT YANGON HEAD OFFICE DIRECTORATE OF INVESTMENT AND COMPANY ADMINISTRATION U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) led the discussion at the Durbar Meeting (14/2018) of on 29th October, 2018 at DICA Head Office. The officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA…October 31, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE INFORMATION EVENT ON “MYANMAR COMPANIES LAW, MYANMAR INVESTMENT LAW, RULES AND PROCEDURES” HELD IN RAKHINE STATE On the initiative of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), the information event on “Myanmar Companies Law, Myanmar Investment Law, Rules and Procedures” was held on 30thOctober 2018 at the Sittwe Hotel, Sittwe, Rakhine State, with the support of…October 31, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING THE 23RD MACAO INTERNATIONAL TRADE & INVESTMENT FAIR The Myanmar delegation led by U Thaung Tun, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission is attended the 23rd Macao International Trade & Investment Fair which was held in Macao on 18th October 2018 and discussed matters relating to the investment promotion…October 20, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE LAUNCH OF THE MYANMAR INVESTMENT PROMOTION PLAN (MIPP) TO ATTRACT MORE THAN US$ 200 BILLION IN 20 YEARS The Launching ceremony of the Myanmar Investment Promotion Plan (MIPP) was held at the Sedona Hotel in Yangon on 18th October 2018 in order to improve the responsible investment and to attract more than USD 200 billion next 20 years.…October 19, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING MYANMAR INVESTMENT PROMOTION LUNCHEON The Myanmar delegation led by U Thaung Tun, Chairman of Myanmar Investment Commission attended the Myanmar Investment Promotion Luncheon which was held at Shangri-La hotel in Hong Kong on 16th October 2018. At the event, U Thaung Tun, Chairman of…October 17, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES “SOON” DONATION CEREMONY BY DICA “Soon” Donation Ceremony was held, in commemorative of the 25th Silver Anniversary of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), at the DICA office in Yangon on 13th October, 2018. Also present on the occasion were Sayadaw U Eindaka of…October 13, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES LAUNCHING CEREMONY FOR MYANMAR INVESTMENT PROMOTION PLAN (MIPP) TO RECEIVE MORE THAN US$ 200 BILLION NEXT 20 YEARS The Launching Ceremony for Myanmar Investment Promotion Plan (MIPP) was held at Mandalay Convention Centre (MCC) in Mandalay on 10th October 2018 in order to improve the responsible investment and to receive more than USD 200 billion next 20 years.…October 11, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES LAUNCHING CEREMONY FOR MYANMAR INVESTMENT PROMOTION PLAN (MIPP) The Launching Ceremony for Myanmar Investment Promotion Plan (MIPP) was held at Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw on 8th October 2018 in order to improve the responsible investment and to receive more than USD 200 billion next 20 years.…October 8, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (13/2018) WAS HELD AT YANGON HEAD OFFICE U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) led the discussion at the Durbar Meeting (13/2018) of on 3rd October, 2018 at DICA Head Office. The officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA…October 4, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES HOLDING THE TRAINING ON INVESTMENT PROMOTION AND AFTERCARE SERVICE In order to enhance the capacity building for DICA’s staff, the training on Investment Promotion and Aftercare Service was held on 19 September 2018 at the office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration with the assistance of International…September 20, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES NEWS WRITING AND PHOTO SHOOTING TRAINING HOLDS AT DICA HEAD OFFICE With the aim to improve the media skills, the News writing and Photo shooting training by Myanmar Journalism Institute (MJI) has been commenced at DICA head office and the training takes place from 20th September, 2018 to 26th October, 2018…September 20, 2018