Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING “THE LAUNCH OF EURO CHAM’S BUSINESS CONFIDENCE SURVEY 2018 AND BUSINESS GUIDES 2019” The Launch of Euro Cham’s Business Confidence Survey 2018 and Business Guides 2019 was held at Novotel Yangon Max Hotel on 11th December 2018. U Aung Naing Oo, Director General for the Directorate of investment and company administration attended the…December 13, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING THE LEADERSHIP DIALOGUE With the aim to stimulate the reflection and discussion on the meaning of leadership in Myanmar’s transformation process, Myanmar Change Agent Network organized the dialogue for leadership on 7th December 2018 at Goethe Villa, Auditorium in Yangon. U Aung Naing…December 11, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES WORKSHOP ON NEGOTIATING AND REFORMING INVESTMENT TREATY CONDUCTED The workshop on negotiating and reforming investment treaty with the support of Australian Government was held on 10 December 2018 at the head office of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration. The objective of the workshop is to enhance…December 11, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING THE FORUM ON ENHANCE ACCOUNTABILITY TO PREVENT CORRUPTION U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration attended the forum titled “Enhance Accountability to Prevent Corruption” on 6th December 2018, at Rose Garden Hotel in Yangon, and took part as a panelist.December 7, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DICA AND GIZ HOLDS THE INVESTMENT PROMOTION TRAINING With the aim to develop a self-understanding and to identify the opportunities for investment promotion activities, the Investment Promotion Training was held in Sedona Hotel on 4th December, 2018 in Yangon. The training is jointly organized by Directorate of Investment…December 5, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE OPENING CEREMONY OF THE THREE – WEEK CAPACITY BUILDING TRAINING NO.7 HOLDS AT DICA HEAD OFFICE The opening ceremony of the three – week Capacity Building No (7) for the new staffs was held at the DICA head office in Yangon on 3rd December 2018.The purpose of the training is to understand existing laws, rules and…December 4, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PARTICIPATING IN PANEL DISCUSSION OF MYANMAR COMMERCE FAIR (2018) The Panel Discussion: Investment & Companies Affairs was held on the second day of Myanmar Commerce Fair (2018), 2nd of December 2018. The Chairman of Myanmar Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA) U Wan Tin participated as a Moderator…December 4, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES UNION MINISTER FOR MINISTRY OF INVESTMENT AND FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS MET WITH STAFFS OF DIRECTORATE OF INVESTMENT AND COMPANY ADMINISTRATION (DICA) On 30th November 2018, U Thaung Tun, Union Minister for Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations met with Deputy Director Generals, Directors, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors of DICA at the meeting hall of DICA office in Yangon. At…December 3, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PARTICIPATING AT MYANMAR COMMERCE FAIR (2018) Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) had been participated in Myanmar Commerce Fair (2018) held on 1st and 2nd of December 2018 at Yangon Convention Centre. In the Fair, DICA displayed two Booths with MyCO Kiosks to facilitate Company…December 1, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES MYANMAR INVESTMENT COMMISSION HOLDS AYEYARWADY REGION INVESTMENT FAIR TO BOOST INVESTMENT IN AYEYARWADY REGION Ayeyarwady Region Investment Fair with Seminar, Business Matching, Exhibition and Site Visit Tour was held on 30thNovember, 2018 at YamonnarOo Resort Hotel, NgweSaungBeach, Ayeyarwady Region. The fair was jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission, Ayeyarwady Region Government and Japan International…November 30, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES HONG KONG INVESTMENT IN MYANMAR MAY INCREASE SIGNIFICANTLY Due to the numerous potential of Myanmar, the business delegation from Hong Kong is exploring investment opportunities in Myanmar. U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration and his team met with the delegation…November 29, 2018
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (15/2018) WAS HELD AT YANGON HEAD OFFICE DIRECTORATE OF INVESTMENT AND COMPANY ADMINISTRATION U Aung Naing Oo, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) led the discussion at the Durbar Meeting (15/2018) on 27th November, 2018 at DICA Head Office. The officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA attended…November 28, 2018