Events, NEWS AND STORIES BUSINESS KNOWLEDGE SHARING FOR REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The event “Business Knowledge Sharingfor Regional Development” was held at Township Hall (Than Lwin Pharsi), Phar Saung in Kayah State on 24th, July 2019. The event was organized by Kayah Investment Committee and Kayah State Government. It was attended by notably U L Phaung…July 26, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PRESS CONFERENCE ON MYANMAR INSIGHT 2019 On 25th July 2019, Press Conference on Myanmar Insight 2019 was held in Yangon at Royal Thai Embassy which will be held on 23rd August 2019 at Central World, Centara Grand Hotel in Bangkok. With the aim of giving investment…July 26, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING TO THE 2019 SEMINAR ON CAPACITY BUILDING OF CHINA-MYANMAR BORDER ECONOMIC COOPERATION ZONE Dr. Theint Theint Moe, Director and Daw San San Htwe, Deputy Director from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations with the team (14) members departed from Yangon International Airport on 22nd July 2019…July 23, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING THE REGIONAL WORKSHOP IN MALAYSIA Daw Nilar Mu, Director from the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, left from Myanmar on 21st July, 2019 to attend “the Regional Workshop on Promoting Beneficial Ownership Transparency in Southeast-Asia ” that…July 23, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES WASO-ROBES OFFERING CEREMONY The fifth Waso-robes Offering Ceremony of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) was held on 13th July, 2019 at the DICA Office in Yangon, with the attendance of Sanghas from Thukhita Yama (Yin-Ngay) Monestry of Mingaladon Township, Acting…July 13, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DURBAR MEETING (9/2019) WAS HELD AT YANGON HEAD OFFICE DIRECTORATE OF INVESTMENT AND COMPANY ADMINISTRATION U Thant Sin Lwin, Acting Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) led the discussion at the Durbar Meeting (9/2019) on 5th July, 2019 at DICA Head Office. The officials and staff from respective divisions of DICA…July 5, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES THE INFORMATION WORKSHOP FOR FDIS SURVEY WAS HELD Aiming to provide with the technical assistance of international monetary fund (IMF) to understand the concepts of FDI and to facilitate in filling the survey questionnaire form, the Information Workshop for FDIS Survey event was held on 2nd July 2019 at…July 4, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING TO THE MYANMAR BUSINESS MISSION PROGRAMME Myanmar Business Mission Programmewas held in Pan Pacific Hotel on 2nd July, 2019 in Yangon which is organized by Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (Yangon Branch). At the event, Dr. WunnaAung, Director of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA)discussed the topic titled…July 4, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PRESS CONFERENCE ON PERMITTED ENTERPRISES ACCORDING TO MIC MEETING (10/ 2019) Press Conference on Permitted Enterprises according to MIC Meeting (10/ 2019) was held in 2nd July, 2019 at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration. U Thant Sin Lwin, Acting Director General gave details the facts related to…July 3, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PRESS CONFERENCE ON PERMITTED ENTERPRISES ACCORDING TO MIC MEETING (10/ 2019) Press Conference on Permitted Enterprises according to MIC Meeting (10/ 2019) was held in 2nd July, 2019 at the office of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration. U Thant Sin Lwin, Acting Director General gave details the facts related to…July 2, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES INVESTMENT PROMOTION COMMITTEE LAUNCHED The Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations formally launched the Investment Promotion Committee (IPC) at a ceremony held in Thingaha Hotel in Nay Pyi Taw today. The ceremony was attended by U ThaungTun, Union Minister for Ministry of Investment…June 26, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ACTING DIRECTOR GENERAL ATTENDS ASIA-PACIFIC BUSINESS FORUM 2019 U Thant Sin Lwin, Acting Director General of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations is attending Asia-Pacific Business Forum 2019 which is being held on 20th-21st June 2019, Papua New Guinea.June 21, 2019