Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING REGIONAL FORUM ON INVESTMENT POLICY REVIEWS AND INVESTMENT POLICY WORKSHOP FOR ASEAN POLICYMAKERS The delegation led by Dr. Marlar Myo Nyunt, Deputy Director General, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations is attending the Regional Forum on Investment Policy Reviews and Investment Policy Workshop for ASEAN Policymakers…November 6, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES “SOON” DONATION CEREMONY BY DICA In commemorative of the 26th Anniversary of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA), “Soon” donation ceremony was held at the DICA office in Yangon on 26th October, 2019. Also present on the occasion were Sayadaw U Eindaka of Thukhita…October 27, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES DICA HOSTS ITS 26TH ANNIVERSARY DINER With the aim to show appreciation to the staff for their hard work and achievement, to further strengthen the unity among the staffs, andto deliver public service more effectively, Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) celebrated its 26th Anniversary event on…October 27, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES PERMANENT SECRETARY ATTENDS THE OPENING CEREMONY OF “WILMAR MYANMAR EDIBLE OILS LIMITED & WILMAR MYANMAR FLOUR MILLS LIMITED” AND THE GROUND BREAKING CEREMONY OF “WILMAR MYANMAR RICELAND LIMITED” Yangon, October 27 U Aung Naing Oo, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations and U Thant Sin Lwin, Director General of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration and his team attended the opening ceremony of…October 27, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING TO THE “7TH TENGCHONG BORDER TRADE SHOW” Dr. Theint Theint Moe, Director from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations is now attending the “Tengchong Border Trade Show” that will be held in Tengchong, China from 18th October 2019 to…October 18, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDING TO THE 2019 SEMINAR ON TRADE AND INVESTMENT PROMOTION AND SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE CONSTRUCTION FOR MYANMAR Daw Khin Myint Thu, Assistant Director from Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations departed from Yangon International Airport on 13th October, 2019 to attend the “2019 Seminar on Trade and Investment Promotion and…October 16, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES CONDUCTING THE WORKSHOP ON STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE (SOP) FOR STATE AND REGION INVESTMENT ENDORSEMENT The Workshop on Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for State and Region Investment Endorsement was held at Sule Shangrila Hotel, Yangon on 26th September 2019 with the collaboration of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, the Directorate of Investment…September 30, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES OBSERVING DIALOGUE WITH MIFER In order to enhance the investment promotion of India investment in Myanmar, Dialogue with Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER) was held on 28th September, 2019 at Pan Pacific Hotel, Yangon. The event was organized by the Embassy…September 28, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ENGLISH LANGUAGE PLACEMENT TEST WAS HELD With the aim to improve the English Language proficiency of the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration’s staff, the placement test was held by Mr. Daniel Jacobs, Australian Volunteers for International Development (AVID). The test was held on 26th September, 2019 at…September 27, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES CONDUCTING THE WORKSHOP ON STANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE (SOP) FOR STATE AND REGION INVESTMENT ENDORSEMENT The Workshop on Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for State and Region Investment Endorsement was held at Sule Shangrila Hotel, Yangon on 26th September 2019 with the collaboration of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, the Directorate of Investment…September 27, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES ATTENDED THE HONG KONG BUSINESS DELEGATION BELT AND ROAD OUTREACH U Myo Khaing Oo, Director of Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Yangon Region Office, attended the Hong Kong Business Delegation Belt and Road Outreachheld on 24th, September 2019 in Pan Pacific Yangon Hotel and discussed about the opportunity of investment…September 26, 2019
Events, NEWS AND STORIES NAY PYI TAW COUNCIL INVESTMENT COMMITTEE HOLDS INFORMATION EVENT ON MYANMAR INVESTMENT LAW, MYANMAR COMPANIES LAW AND PROCEDURES With the guidance of Nay Pyi Taw Council Investment Committee, “Information Event on Myanmar Investment Law, Myanmar Companies Law and Related Procedures” which was organized by the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, Nay Pyi Taw Union Territory Office held on 23…September 25, 2019