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A meeting with CMP business investors was held yesterday morning at the meeting hall of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Yangon to help CMP businesses develop and overcome current difficulties for economic development and job creation.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister Dr Wah Wah Maung of the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Rela­tions discussed the issues that need to be addressed for CMP investors to operate their busi­nesses smoothly.

She said to discuss issues related to enhancing coopera­tion between the government and the private sector for the development of the CMP busi­ness group and had a friendly and open discussion with the attendees.

Officials from the Minis­try of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Commerce, Central Bank of Myanmar, and Department of Labour made discussions and Deputy Minister Dr Wah Wah Maung delivered the closing speech.

The MoC deputy minister, the deputy governor of the Central Bank of Myanmar, the secretary of the Work Commit­tee on Ensuring the Smooth Flow of Trade and Goods, of­ficials from the Directorate of Investment and Company Ad­ministration, the Department of Labour, the UMFCCI, rep­resentatives from the Myan­mar Garment Manufacturers Association, representatives of the Myanmar Industrial Manu­facturers Association and   for­eign CMP business investors attended the meeting.