Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
DICA has published an easy to read handbook on how to obtaina manufacturing sector investment permit in Myanmar. You can now download the new handbook from the DICA website:http://www.dica.gov.mm
To operate in certain sectors of industry, such as construction, mining, and manufacturing, investors in Myanmar often need an investment permit (MIC permit).In order to receive incentives or tax reliefs, investors need to apply MIC permit before commencing their business. As the Myanmar government aims to promote trade and investment, it is important to provide clear and easy to follow guidance on how to obtain such a MIC permit in manufacturing. The new handbook provides potential investors with clear guidelines, useful forms, frequently asked questions and advice on how to obtain an MIC permit in manufacturing sector.
The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) has developed the handbook with technical assistance provided by the Deutsche GesellschaftfürInternationaleZusammenarbeit (GIZ). Besides this handbook, DICA is making efforts to create greater transparency through the new DICA website and other publications.
This handbook will be updated once the new investment law is enacted. The new English and Myanmar language handbooks are downloadable and available on the website of DICA:http://www.dica.gov.mm/
New English Language Handbook: Download
New Myanmar Language Handbook: Download