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Mandalay Business Forum was held on 9th November 2018 at Mandalay Convention Center, Mandalay Region. The forum was jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Mandalay Region Government and Mandalay Region Investment Committee, and supported by New Starlight Group of Companies. The main objectives of the forum are to promote trade and investment in Mandalay Region more effectively, to promote trade and investment opportunities in Mandalay Region and to develop the linkage between local businesses and potential local and foreign investors.

        The Forum was attended by over 900 participants notably U Thaung Tun, Chairman of  Myanmar Investment Commission, Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister for  Mandalay Region Government, Chief Ministers from other States and Regions, U Aung Htoo, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Commerce, Ministers of  Mandalay Region Government, Ambassadors, invited guests, foreign and local investors, and media representatives.

According to the agenda, the guests of honors formally opened the Mandalay Business Forum  by cutting a ribbon and unveiled the signboard of Myanmar Convention Center by pressing the button. After that, Chief Minister and distinguished guests went around the exhibition booths of investment opportunities and products of Mandalay Region.

          According to agenda, Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister for the Mandalay Region Government delivered the welcome speech, U Thaung Tun, Chairman of  Myanmar  Investment Commission delivered the Keynote Remarks  and U Aung Htoo,  Deputy Minister for Ministry of Commerce delivered the opening speech respectively.

          Then, U Aung Naing Oo, Secretary of Myanmar Investment Commission  gave a presentation on “Mandalay: the heart and hub of Myanmar” and representatives from relevant ministries presented investment opportunities in Mandalay Region relating to Food Processing, Real Estate, Logistics, hotel & tourism respectively.

          In the afternoon, Business Matching and Breakout session were held at the same venue by joining local and potential investors who are interesting to invest in Mandalay Region. The breakout session was focused on the matters regarding company registration and taxation.

The next day, the participants of the forum will have a site visit tour to the potential places for investors.

Mandalay Business Forum will provide assistance for the development of businesses especially investment, trading, tourism and logistics businesses within the region.

Mandalay Business Forum was held on 9th November 2018 at Mandalay Convention Center, Mandalay Region. The forum was jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission, Ministry of Commerce, Mandalay Region Government and Mandalay Region Investment Committee, and supported by New Starlight Group of Companies. The main objectives of the forum are to promote trade and investment in Mandalay Region more effectively, to promote trade and investment opportunities in Mandalay Region and to develop the linkage between local businesses and potential local and foreign investors.

        The Forum was attended by over 900 participants notably U Thaung Tun, Chairman of  Myanmar Investment Commission, Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister for  Mandalay Region Government, Chief Ministers from other States and Regions, U Aung Htoo, Deputy Minister for Ministry of Commerce, Ministers of  Mandalay Region Government, Ambassadors, invited guests, foreign and local investors, and media representatives.

According to the agenda, the guests of honors formally opened the Mandalay Business Forum  by cutting a ribbon and unveiled the signboard of Myanmar Convention Center by pressing the button. After that, Chief Minister and distinguished guests went around the exhibition booths of investment opportunities and products of Mandalay Region.

          According to agenda, Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, Chief Minister for the Mandalay Region Government delivered the welcome speech, U Thaung Tun, Chairman of  Myanmar  Investment Commission delivered the Keynote Remarks  and U Aung Htoo,  Deputy Minister for Ministry of Commerce delivered the opening speech respectively.

          Then, U Aung Naing Oo, Secretary of Myanmar Investment Commission  gave a presentation on “Mandalay: the heart and hub of Myanmar” and representatives from relevant ministries presented investment opportunities in Mandalay Region relating to Food Processing, Real Estate, Logistics, hotel & tourism respectively.

          In the afternoon, Business Matching and Breakout session were held at the same venue by joining local and potential investors who are interesting to invest in Mandalay Region. The breakout session was focused on the matters regarding company registration and taxation.

The next day, the participants of the forum will have a site visit tour to the potential places for investors.

Mandalay Business Forum will provide assistance for the development of businesses especially investment, trading, tourism and logistics businesses within the region.