Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
With the aim to promote the Agriculture investment activities in Shan State more effectively, Shan State Investment Forum will be held on 26th November, 2019 in Royal Taunggyi Hotel, Taunggyi. The Forum is jointly organized by the Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC), Shan State Investment Committee (SSIC), with the support of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ).
At the forum, senior officials from concerned ministries and representatives from private sector will join as speakers and panelists that will cover investment opportunities in Agriculture Sector.
All participants are requested to complete the registration form and submit from www.shanstateinvestmentforum2019.com at the latest by 19 November 2019.
For more information, please contact the following addresses;
Shan State Investment Committee Awayyar Fire Balloon Field Street, Kyanng Gyi Quarter, Taunggyi, Shan State. | Myanmar Investment Commission,No.1, Thitsar Road, Yankin Township, Yangon. |
Contact: 081 2124293,Fax 081 2124974 | Contact: 01 658132, Fax 01 658143 |
info@shanstateinvestmentforum2019.com www.shanstateinvestmentforum2019.com | info@shanstateinvestmentforum2019.com www.shanstateinvestmentforum2019.com |