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  1. With the aim to  facilitate the  post permit  investment activities of all companies which obtained permit or endorsement from Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and Region/State Investment Committee, MIC amends Quarterly  Report Form -10 with the uniform format for all investment sectors and the  new Quarterly Report Form-10 will be  used  as a trial period from January to March 2020.
  2. Hence, MIC would like to inform that all companies which obtained permit or endorsement from MIC and Region/State Investment Committee shall submit quarterly report (Form-10) for the period of January to March 2020 with new format, in accordance with Rule 197 of the Myanmar Investment Rules.
  3. The new Quarterly Report (Form-10) can be  downloaded  from  DICA website and the Commission will  notify in time if there are any changes regarding the Quarterly Report (Form-10)

Myanmar Investment Commission
