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The Myanmar Global Investment Forum was held on 11-12 September, 2018 in Myanmar International Convention Center –MICC 2, Nay Pyi Taw which was jointly organized by Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) and Euromoney Institutional Investor (Asia) based on Hong Kong.

The opening ceremony of Myanmar Global Investment Forum was attended by over (1200) Participants including Union Ministers from various Ministries, Members of Parliament,  Director Generals and Senior Officials from various Ministries, Representatives from UMFCCI, Representatives led by Mr. Tony Shale, Chief Executive Officer from Euromoney Institutional Investor (Asia), businessmen and medias from local and foreign respectively.   

At the occasion, H.E U Win Khaing, Minister from Ministry of Electricity and Energy delivered the Opening Keynote Address and Mr. Tony Shale, Chief Executive Officer from Euromoney Institutional Investor (Asia) gave the welcome remark, and Dr. Sean Turnell, Special Economic Consultant to the State Counsellor and Director of Research from Myanmar delivered the keynote address.   

As per agenda, the panel discussion titled “Infrastructure-what role can infrastructure developments play in the wider Myanmar economy, Doing Business in Myanmar-practical advice and exploring current routes into the market, Banking, Finance and Insurance-evolving to meet new challenges, Fintech and Microfinance-solutions for a digitizing economy ,Agriculture-reforming the industry and growing production towards export , Energy- harnessing resources and improving infrastructure, Start Ups-sourcing finance and market opportunities, Tourism-unlocking Myanmar’s potential, and Education-improvements to bridge the skills gap” are conversed by resource persons and representatives from different Ministries respectively.

The second day of the Forum will be convened as per Agenda.