Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations (MIFER),The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
His Excellency U Kyaw Win, Union Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Finance and the Chairman of the Myanmar Investment Commission met with U Zaw Min Win, President of the UMFCCI, members of the Central Executive Committee of the UMFCCI, and the Chairmen from its Affiliated Associations at the Office of UMFCCI in the morning of 13th November 2016.
During the meeting, Union Minister stressed on recent implementation process and planning for the National Economic Policy and Investment Policy, and he said that a coordination meeting will be held on monthly which will lead by the Vice president for easing the difficulties facing in doing business.
Then, U Aung Naing Oo, Secretary of the Myanmar Investment Commission discussed on the setting of the New Investment Law and Regulations for attraction local and international investment. After that, the representatives from UMFCCI and its affiliated associations were presented their needs for enhancing business environment and the union minister responded.
The meeting was also attended by U Htun Htun Naing , Permanent Secretary and U Aung Kaing Htun , Vice Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Planning and Finance.