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For the purpose of encouraging investment in potential Japanese automotive manufacturer to Myanmar, the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration (DICA) and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Co-organized the Automotive Sector Development Seminar on 5th March, 2020 at the DICA head office in Yangon.

Deputy Director Generals from the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration Dr. Malar Myo Nyunt, U Soe Myint Aung and U Min Zaw Oo were attended the seminar. And then, U Min Zaw Oo, Deputy Director General delivered  an opening speech and Dr. Wunna Aung, Director of the DICA made presentation on “Present Situation of Automotive Sector Investment, and Challenges and Way forward”.

In addition, Professor Yoshinori Maekawa, advisor to the Thai Subcontracting Promotion Association made presentation on “Structure of Automotive Assembler and Supplier in Japan and Thailand, Findings of Present Myanmar Automotive Parts and Components Industry, and How to Promote Potential Japanese Automotive Supplier toward Myanmar”.

At the seminar, a total of 25 attended by officials from the Directorate of Investment and Company Administration, and  Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry (MOPFI) and representatives from the Japan International Cooperation Agency.