Invest in Myanmar
Grow your business in the golden land of opportunity
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Our Mission

Facilitate Business

Promote Investment

Sustain the Country's

About DICA

As the primary interface between businesses and the government, DICA is mandated to promote private sector development and to boost domestic and foreign investment by creating a conductive investment climate.

News and Stories

The Shan State Investment Committee (5/2024) meeting was held at Shan State Government Office on 27t...
Posted on 01 July 2024
The 6/2024 meeting of the Myanmar Investment Com­mission (MIC) was held yes­terday afternoon in Nay...
Posted on 01 July 2024
With the aims to carry out investment facilitation and monitoring, members of Nay Pyi Taw Investment...
Posted on 28 June 2024

At a glance

Company Registration

Registration is the first step a businessperson will be required to take before incorporating a company or making an investment in Myanmar, whether that person is a citizen of Myanmar or a foreigner. In accordance with the Myanmar Companies Law 2017, a company may be registered in one of the following forms:

  • As a private OR public company by Myanmar citizens
  • As a foreign company OR branch of a foreign company
  • As a joint venture company
  • As an association/nonprofit organization


Check availability of company name at MyCO

Fill company registration forms at MyCO

Submit form and Pay company registration fee

Learn more

Investment application

The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) is responsible for verifying and approving investment proposals and regularly issues notifications about sector-specific developments. The MIC is comprised of representatives and experts from government ministries, departments and governmental and non-governmental bodies.


Use the DICA website to retrieve information on requirements for your MIC permit application

First, investors must first submit a proposal to the Myanmar Investment Commission

If the proposal meets the criteria, it will be accepted within 15 days

If accepted, the MIC will review the proposal and reach a decision within 60 days. 

Learn More